Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Normal Skin

Normal skin is the perfect balanced skin type. It already as a good balance of oil and moisture, so we just need to keep it functioning well. If you are lucky enough to have normal skin bear in mind as we get older it tends to become drier and it is important to switch your care routine to a dry skin one when this occurs.

1) Splash your face with water, then massage in a gentle facial wash, work it up to a lather for about 30 seconds, gently massage the skin, this will boost the supply of blood to the skin surface, giving a rosier complexion.

2) Rinse away with clear water, then pat your face dry do not rub at your skin a this can encourage wrinkles.

3) Cool your skin with a freshening toner. Avoid the delicate area around the eyes as this can become prone to dryness.

4) Smooth your skin with moisturising lotion. Dot onto your face, then massage in with finger tips using light upwards strokes.