Monday, 27 July 2009

Oily Skin

This skin type usually has open pores and an oily surface, with a tendency towards pimples, black heads and a sallow appearance. This is due to the over- production of the oil glands in the lower layers of the skin. Unfortunately, this skin-type is the one most prone to acne. The good news is that the oiliness will make your skin stay younger-looking for longer.It is important not to treat oily skin too harshly , over enthusiastic treatment can encourage the oil glands to produce even more sebum, whilst it will leave the surface layers dry and dehydrated. The advice below will help you get the best out of this skin type.

1) Oil skin types can be prone to acne, careful skin care will help keep acne under control. Avoid picking at pimples as this can lead to scarring. Try over the counter blemish treatments, products containg tea tree oil can be very effecitve. If these aren't succesful consult your doctor who may provide treatment or refer you to a dermatologist. Stress can aggravate acne so seek advise if you are worried about it, do not allow it to get worse by stress.

2) Removing Make Up - Though you skin is oily, the area around the eyes are very delicate. You should not drag at this area to remove your make-up but soak a cotton pad with a non-oily remover and hold it over the eye for a few seconds, so it has time to desolve the make up. Then lightly stroke away the mascare and make-up around the eyes.

3) Face Wash - Use a gentle foaming facial wash, this won't strip the moisture from your skin, but will remove dirt and grime and oil. Massage the face wash over damp skin with your finger tips, then rinse with lots of warm water.

4) Soak a cotton ball with an astringent lotion, sweep it over your face to refresh and cool it. Repeat the sweeping movements over your face until the cotton ball is dry. If the astrigent lotion your use, irritaes or stings the skin, water it down with distilled water.

5) Oily skin still requires moisturising, this helps seal water in the top layers of the skin to keep it soft and supple. Don't over do it on the moisturiser, choose a light watery fluid. Let the moisturizer to sink into your skin, then press a clan tissue over your face to absorb the excess, this will prevent a shiny complexion.